Shipping & Delivery
Your items are located in Japan
Our warehouse is located in Japan. Your order is shipped shortly, but please check our terms about shipping and delivery below before your shipping.
We ship your item within 24-48 business hours after your payment confirmed. Our warehouse in Japan is open from 10 am - 7 pm (JST) Monday-Friday. When you place your order on Friday, we might be ship on the following Monday.
Tracking Number Included
All orders have the tracking number so you can track your package online. After we ship your item from our warehouse, we let you know the tracking number by email you registed on PayPal. Please don't miss this email to receive your item safely.
Track Your Package
After an order has shipped, you can track your package on Track & Trace Serive by Japan Post.
Shipping methods
Your item is shipped using Japan Post Service. You can choose EMS or SAL in our shop.
Standard Delivery Days
EMS: 2-10 days approx
SAL: 2-4 weeks approx
These are the standard days offered by Japan Post. The date you would receive the package always depends on where you live. International orders may be subject to customs clearance procedures, and that can cause delays in delivery.